Get Symbol coordinates
Is there a way to see the coordinates of a symbol that is already placed on the schematics without having to replace it?
This would be very helpful because it could give us a reference to quickly place components in specified locations.
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Are you talking about within the E3 GUI or via a script?
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Hello Mike,
I'm talking about within the E3 GUI. It seems like there is no way to get a symbol coordinates quickly.
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Hi Simon,
I am in agreement, there is no way to easily see the position of a schematic symbol. But it is pretty easy to create a script that can be added as a toolbar or menu button to show the coordinates. Here is a code snippet that shows how to use the GetSchemaLocation COM call.
nSym = Job.GetSelectedSymbolIds (SymIds) ' get IDs for selected symbols
if nSym = 0 then ' Make sure at least one symbol was selected
App.PutInfo 0, "No symbol selected"
end if
For i = 1 To nSym ' Loop through all selected symbols
Sym.SetId SymIds(i) ' Set symbol
shtid = Sym.GetSchemaLocation (x, y, grid) ' Read placement
App.PutMessage "Symbol is located at X:" & x & ", Y:" & y ' Output message
NextThe built in help has a whole section called "Scripting Interface" for more info on scripting in E3.
There is an example script in the help called "Display Origin Symbols in Project" which you may find as a good way to get started.
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In E3, you can use the Search dialog box to search for symbols by symbol name or by designator.
It appears at the bottom of the E3 Edit Menu. Alternatively, you can press F3 to invoke it.
When the Search is executed, the results will appear in the E3 Results window. The report is very wide!
In the E3 Results window, you can click on a row in order to jump to where the symbol in the project.
The results contain will location of the symbol but it is shown as a zone position on the sheet rather then X-Y coordinates.
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