Is it possible to export netlist IPC-D-356 format from DF?
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Hello Ed,
In the DF online help you can find the example of how to run the DFipcd356out.exe batch program.
And parameter file.
Hello Robert,
From DF we can output IPC-D-356A data. Using "DFipcd356out.exe" batch program.
For more information, please reference DF online help.
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Hello Take,
Can you give example how to run DFipc356out.exe and what parameters should be used?
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Thank you for response.
According to help file net name with up to 58 characters should be accepted.
However we getting following warnings (only 14 characters!).
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Sorry one more question...
What is Parameter.i3px? What is this option doing?
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Hello Ed,
If the net name exists in the DF board data over 58 characters, then we cannot output the IPC-356A file.
You will get an error message,
129008 A net name exceeds the maximum characters (58 characters). (Net name: XXX)
And any net name character over the 14 characters will get shortened. This is the specification of the IPC-356A format.
"Parameter.i3px" is the parameter file. You can name this file any way you like. Just make sure you have file extension ".i3px".
In the parameter file, for example, you can specify the net name character which gets re-named because of more than 14 characters.
ex1) without specifying parameters.
ex2) with parameter file using sample setting written in the online help.
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Sorry Taka,
One more question.
What the source of the netlist generated by DFipc356out.exe?
Is it schematic file?
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Sorry for the late reply,
DFipc356out.exe is for the board file.
DFipc356out.exe is a Design Force's batch program.
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Sorry my question was confusing...
What I tried to claim is following.
Since board file based on schematic netlist and gerber file created based on pcb design --> once I run DFipc356out.exe its basically comparing schematic netlist + pcb + gerber.
Am I right?
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Hello Ed,
When we run DFipc356out.exe, there is no comparing process.
Simply output information from the DF board data.
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