Assign Pin Name
I have used the connectors pins by renaming its pins for grouping purposes.
I have found that I can rename the pin name to a certain character. How can I extend the limits?
For example, I wanted to rename the pin to "(1~5,6,7,9,15,18,21,23,33~35 External)".
I get the two problems here:
1) I can't use commas. What else I can use?
2) I replace commas with Dash, then this name can't be fully assigned? How can I fix this?
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Are you using pin groups?
For example, does your E3 device tree show P1 as having 2 pins or 16 pins?
If I am not being clear, please share a fully expanded image of you E3 device tree for this cable.
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As Paul mentioned in the earlier post, not sure about the intent of that design decision or questions.
However, there are some limitations and options for combining pins in E3.series
- The pin number has somewhere around a 64 Character limit.
- Pins can be combined using the Pin Groups options.
- You can use an internal pin attribute to communicate complex pin information in place of using the pin number field.
Need more details, though.
Edited - correction for character limit
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Sir Paul Bloom
I am using 2 pins in P1. Just changed its name to 1-9 and 9-16.
Sir Sanu Warrier
How can I then use the internal pin attribute everywhere in reports, foamboard, etc? I don't have this issue every time. Can't the 16 Character limit be extended?
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Sorry Correction - in the library you can pin numbers with 64 characters. NOT 16
For internal attributes - If you want to use it for a report it will have to be custom - in case there needs to be an internal pin attribute.
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