New DB field on ComponentData table
Hi all,
I just created a new column on the dbo.ComponentData (working with MSSQL server) but when I go to Zuken and create a new component, this does not appear as other DB fields such us "Name", "ArticleNumber", "Description"...
Any idea how to get it on the Wizard?
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Generally, editing an SQL dbo table directly is NOT a good idea.
I know component sub-classification attributes automatically show up in the Wizard. Other than that, you can try setting the "Must Exist" checkbox on the attribute desired, making sure Component is an owner. I haven't tried but this force the Wizard to show it.
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I know editing on a table is not the best way, but is the only way of creating a DB field (1 on image) like "Article Number" and not an atribute field (2 on image).
When working on MDB as soon as you edit the ComponentData table you get it on the Wizard.Was this Helpful?
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Ok, so solution is this then:
1. Using DBTool, convert your SQL database to an MDB file.
2. Edit ComponentData as desired in the MDB.
3. Using DBTool, convert the MDB back into the SQL database.
Converting is actually copying to a blank database.
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I just tried with a shorter name "ArticleHeavac" and is working perfect, so maybe it has to do something about length. Thanks anyway!
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