How to Manage NoDBE in E3-2017
For my Engineers i need to hide the library editor mode to avoid doing themselves in database.For that i need to block the database editor mode permanently for them.How can i achieve this using registry entries?
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I don't think you can permanently disable it through the registry. I suppose you could force a workspace configuration on your users which removes the option to start the DBE.
Can't you just manage the write permissions on your library? That's what I do.
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Hi Mohamed,
You can add /nodbe to the E3 shortcut target and this will hide the Tools>Start Database Editor.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Zuken\E3.series_201X\E3.series.exe" /cable /nodbe
Likewise, as Paul Bloom mentioned, you should set read-only permissions to the library for your users.
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@Paul-my intention is to block the user to start DBE mode only(from the tools me nu as wellas from the right click on the db)
@Khang Nguyen- nodbe on short cut is one of the option,but in our case we need to deploy this setting to more than 100 users at a time and infuture it is 450+, and for me it is easy that if an registry entry or any script do the task then for me it is easy to manage.Was this Helpful?
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For mass deployment, you can consider writing a batch script to push the shortcut to:
Start Menu:
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Zuken\E3.series 201X\"
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A "smart" user can always modify a shortcut. If you do it with permissions, it doesn't even matter if they can start DBE; they couldn't do anything if they did.
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I would agree with the suggestion from Paul - the best method is to make the database read only
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