Issue with wire diameter when importing into Solid
I am a relatively new user to E3 WireWorks and recently ran into a problem when importing a routing XML file into SolidWorks. The problem is related to the diameter of a wire that I created in the WireWorks database. When the wire/cable database XML file is exported from WireWorks, the wire that has the problem (which is called WF61) shows inaccurate wire diameter (wireOD) in SolidWorks. The wire that I created was an 8 AWG wire with an OD (outer diameter) of 6.68mm (or 0.263"). When it shows up in SolidWorks, it has an OD of 1mm. Here is what the wire shows up as in the XML file;
- <wire ID="105">
<wireName value="600V-WF61" />
<partNumber value="600V-WF61" />
<description value="600V Wire" />
<wireOD value="0.001" />
<colour value="Black" />
<swColour value="0" />
<size value="0.00837" />
<minBendRadius value="0.01" />
I noticed that the wireOD has a value of "0.001", which is seemingly what seems to be causing the problem. I am not sure where in WireWorks that this value is being pulled from. When I originally created the wire, the only specifications that I can input are AWG, OD in mm and color.
If any one has any helpful information to add to this issue, it is much appreciated.
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Just saw this post, so mabe you've found an answer since then, but:
Talking to our VAR, we've found that the attribute "Thickness" must be specified for the wire. I understand it is highly redundant to have it specified in OD (used by E3) and in Thickness (used by Routing Bridge). There is a similar issue with the Wire color, and needing the attribute SWColor (or something like that).
Hope that helps.Was this Helpful?
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